What Year Is It?

        What Year Is It?

        Part of a series onRobin Williams.[View Related Entries]

        Updated8 years agobyZ..

        Added13 years agobyDon.

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        "What Year Is It" is the caption of an image macro featuring a photo of Robin Williams' disheveled-looking character from the 1995 film Jumanji. In rage comics, it is often used in similar fashion to the my face when reaction faces to convey the disoriented sense of time experienced when waking up.


        Jumanji is a fantasy-comedy film released on December 15th, 1995, starring Robin Williams playing the role of Alan: a boy who is sucked into a board game only to emerge 26 years later. After being freed from the game, he asks the two children that have freed him "what year is it?"[1] and is shocked to discover how much time has past. The image used for the caption "What year is it?" was taken from the official Jumanji movie trailer and can be seen at 1:09 in the following video:

        The earliest known reaction image macro instance was posted to the r/pics subreddit in a thread titled "How I feel after an afternoon nap"[2] on September 7th, 2011 by Redditor topshelf89. The thread managed to reach the front page and has accumulated 16,886 up votes as of November 30th, 2011.

        WHAT YEAR IS IT Robin Williams Jumanji hair facial hair beard photo caption


        The same reaction image reached the front page of the marijuana enthusiast r/trees subreddit in a thread titled "First words out of my mouth after waking up still a solid 6"[7] on October 13th, 2011. The first known rage comic using the captioned image titled "Every damn night"[5] was created by Redditor Arbypwnyou and reached the front page of the f7u12 rage comic subreddit on October 16th, 2011.

        le sleepy me doing math homework fall asleep for total of 9 seconds le expertly drawn table violently wake up WHAT YEAR IS IT face cartoon facial expression person mammal text vertebrate nose human behavior head emotion drawing human

        On November 11th, 2011, a Skyrim rage comic by Redditor JoshuaTheWarrior reached the front page of the r/gaming subreddit. Rage comics using the reaction image have since spread to FunnyJunk[4] and Tumblr.[3] Two Quickmeme[6][7] pages have been created featuring the image with a total of 32 submissions as of November 30th, 2011.

        Notable Examples

        Install AOL 7.0 2 Would you like to install AOL 7.0? Yes Nki WHAT YEAR IS IT facial hair beard photo caption WHAT YEAR IS IT Ben Stiller Night at the Museum Robin Williams Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb New York City hair facial hair beard *me, super tired in class *doze off for less than 2 2 minutesO *arm sliding WHAT YEAR IS IT niglce face facial expression cartoon nose mammal vertebrate text human behavior emotion head smile comics fiction human Pulled an all- nighter, dual wielding fire, like a mage. Dawn approacheth I'11 crash for an hour and be good for work. B2ZZ!!1 BZZZ!22zWHAT YEAR IS IT 800 Robin Williams Jumanji text facial hair "wait, my phone says 11:00 me, about to change clock for does the clock change daylight savings automatically?" 10:00 10:00 WHAT YEAR IS IT "IDK if i should change it or not! I've lost all sense of time!! I just -" 10:00 face text facial expression person cartoon nose human behavior emotion head smile facial hair font human

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